.. _make_policy: .. this is a comment. see http://sphinx-doc.org/rest.html for markup instructions Creating a New Policy ===================== This tutorial describes the standard RLPy :class:`~rlpy.Policies.Policy.Policy` interface, and illustrates a brief example of creating a new problem domain. .. Below taken directly from Policy.py The Policy determines the discrete action that an :py:class:`~rlpy.Agents.Agent.Agent` will take given its current value function :py:class:`~rlpy.Representations.Representation.Representation`. The Agent learns about the :py:class:`~rlpy.Domains.Domain.Domain` as the two interact. At each step, the Agent passes information about its current state to the Policy; the Policy uses this to decide what discrete action the Agent should perform next (see :py:meth:`~rlpy.Policies.Policy.Policy.pi`) \n .. warning:: While each dimension of the state *s* is either *continuous* or *discrete*, discrete dimensions are assume to take nonnegative **integer** values (ie, the index of the discrete state). .. note :: You may want to review the namespace / inheritance / scoping `rules in Python `_. Requirements ------------ * Each Policy must be a subclass of :class:`~rlpy.Policies.Policy.Policy` and call the :func:`~rlpy.Policies.Policy.Policy.__init__` function of the Policy superclass. * Any randomization that occurs at object construction *MUST* occur in the :func:`~rlpy.Policies.Policy.Policy.init_randomization()` function, which can be called by ``__init__()``. * Any random calls should use ``self.random_state``, not ``random()`` or ``np.random()``, as this will ensure consistent seeded results during experiments. * After your Policy is complete, you should define a unit test to ensure future revisions do not alter behavior. See rlpy/tests for some examples. REQUIRED Instance Variables """"""""""""""""""""""""""" --- REQUIRED Functions """""""""""""""""" #. :py:meth:`~rlpy.Policies.Policy.Policy.pi` - accepts the current state *s*, whether or not *s* is *terminal*, and an array of possible actions indices *p_actions* and returns an action index for the Agent to take. SPECIAL Functions """"""""""""""""" Policies which have an explicit exploratory component (eg epsilon-greedy) **MUST** override the functions below to prevent exploratory behavior when evaluating the policy (which would skew results) #. :py:meth:`~rlpy.Policies.Policy.Policy.turnOffExploration` #. :py:meth:`~rlpy.Policies.Policy.Policy.turnOnExploration` Additional Information ---------------------- * As always, the Policy can log messages using ``self.logger.info()``, see Python ``logger`` documentation. * You should log values assigned to custom parameters when ``__init__()`` is called. * See :class:`~rlpy.Policies.Policy.Policy` for functions provided by the superclass. Example: Creating the ``Epsilon-Greedy`` Policy ----------------------------------------------------------- In this example we will recreate the ``eGreedy`` Policy. From a given state, it selects the action with the highest expected value (greedy with respect to value function), but with some probability ``epsilon``, takes a random action instead. This explicitly balances the exploration/exploitation tradeoff, and ensures that in the limit of infinite samples, the agent will have explored the entire domain. #. Create a new file in the ``Policies/`` directory, ``eGreedyTut.py``. Add the header block at the top:: __copyright__ = "Copyright 2013, RLPy http://www.acl.mit.edu/RLPy" __credits__ = ["Alborz Geramifard", "Robert H. Klein", "Christoph Dann", "William Dabney", "Jonathan P. How"] __license__ = "BSD 3-Clause" __author__ = "Ray N. Forcement" from .Policy import Policy import numpy as np #. Declare the class, create needed members variables, and write a docstring description. See the role of member variables in comments:: class eGreedy(Policy): """ From the tutorial in policy creation. Identical to eGreedy.py. """ # Probability of selecting a random action instead of greedy epsilon = None # Temporarily stores value of ``epsilon`` when exploration disabled old_epsilon = None # bool, used to avoid random selection among actions with the same values forcedDeterministicAmongBestActions = None #. Copy the ``__init__()`` declaration from ``Policy.py`` and add needed parameters. In the function body, assign them and log them. Then call the superclass constructor. Here the parameters are the probability of selecting a random action, ``epsilon``, and how to handle the case where multiple best actions exist, ie with the same value, ``forcedDeterministicAmongBestActions``:: def __init__(self,representation, epsilon = .1, forcedDeterministicAmongBestActions = False, seed=1): self.epsilon = epsilon self.forcedDeterministicAmongBestActions = forcedDeterministicAmongBestActions super(eGreedy,self).__init__(representation) #. Copy the ``pi()`` declaration from ``Policy.py`` and implement it to return an action index for any given state and possible action inputs. Here, with probability epsilon, take a random action among the possible. Otherwise, pick an action with the highest expected value (depending on ``self.forcedDeterministicAmongBestActions``, either pick randomly from among the best actions or always select the one with lowest index:: def pi(self,s, terminal, p_actions): coin = self.random_state.rand() #print "coin=",coin if coin < self.epsilon: return self.random_state.choice(p_actions) else: b_actions = self.representation.bestActions(s, terminal, p_actions) if self.forcedDeterministicAmongBestActions: return b_actions[0] else: return self.random_state.choice(b_actions) #. Because this policy has an exploratory component, we must override the ``turnOffExploration()`` and ``turnOnExploration()`` functions, so that when evaluating the policy's performance the exploratory component may be automatically disabled so as not to influence results:: def turnOffExploration(self): self.old_epsilon = self.epsilon self.epsilon = 0 def turnOnExploration(self): self.epsilon = self.old_epsilon .. warning:: If you fail to define ``turnOffExploration()`` and ``turnOnExploration()`` for functions with exploratory components, measured algorithm performance will be worse, since exploratory actions by definition are suboptimal based on the current model. That's it! Now add your new Policy to ``Policies/__init__.py``:: ``from eGreedyTut import eGreedyTut`` Finally, create a unit test for your Policy as described in :doc:`unittests` Now test it by creating a simple settings file on the domain of your choice. An example experiment is given below: .. literalinclude:: ../examples/tutorial/eGreedyTut_example.py :language: python :linenos: What to do next? ---------------- In this Policy tutorial, we have seen how to * Write a Policy that inherits from the RLPy base ``Policy`` class * Override several base functions, including those that manage exploration/exploitation * Add the Policy to RLPy and test it Adding your component to RLPy """"""""""""""""""""""""""""" If you would like to add your component to RLPy, we recommend developing on the development version (see :ref:`devInstall`). Please use the following header at the top of each file:: __copyright__ = "Copyright 2013, RLPy http://www.acl.mit.edu/RLPy" __credits__ = ["Alborz Geramifard", "Robert H. Klein", "Christoph Dann", "William Dabney", "Jonathan P. How"] __license__ = "BSD 3-Clause" __author__ = "Tim Beaver" * Fill in the appropriate ``__author__`` name and ``__credits__`` as needed. Note that RLPy requires the BSD 3-Clause license. * If you installed RLPy in a writeable directory, the className of the new policy can be added to the ``__init__.py`` file in the ``Policies/`` directory. (This allows other files to import the new policy). * If available, please include a link or reference to the publication associated with this implementation (and note differences, if any). If you would like to add your new policy to the RLPy project, we recommend you branch the project and create a pull request to the `RLPy repository `_. You can also email the community list ``rlpy@mit.edu`` for comments or questions. To subscribe `click here `_.